Thursday, September 3, 2009

Some More Older Art Pieces by Eskän

Hope you Enjoy!



♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...


Emma said...

wow! that's amazing!
i recently drew 2 hands but that was as good as it gets for me. they are pretty good but i could NEVER get as good as you!

Freddi Bonsai said...

That's awesome, Eskan!!!

Eskän said...

Thank you guys, I'm really glad to see people who appreciate art as I do!

Anonymous said...

Oh Eskän, I LURV the person with the bells and sharpened fence posts! (Pic #3) Teach me teach me teach me, puhleeeeeezeee?!

Eskän said...

Err. Nuthing you can really teach there.... *Scratches head* Okay, I'll give it a shot, but that was from 2007, so I haven't really drawn like that in forever, I believe that THAT piece had taken me about 4 or 5 HOURS to complete. Oh, those are CRYSTALS Olive. That was my perception of an elf girl back then, heh-heh.