Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Some random drawings by Olive Tree

First is a page from my sketchbook of some random anime.

Next is a pencil drawing of a rooster.

Then we have a watercolor I did from a photo. I traded this painting for a Breyer horse model.

Now here's a random page from my sketchbook (that happens to be in the header)

The last drawing is of some dragons, from a while ago.


★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

Those are really good! Urg, I SO WISH I COULD DRAW! I can't draw a grape. Seriously, it's that bad. I have a big gift for writing, but drawing and math are just horrible for me.


Anonymous said...


Tutorial to draw a grape:
1. draw a circle
2. color it in purple or green
3. add a line at the top for the stem


★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

Yeah... I'm not even that artistic. LOL!

Oh, and if it's OK, I have a request. I saw the header your made for Wolf-Shadows and I was seriously in shock. I love it! I don't know how to do anything like that. I was wondering, could you make a header for my StormClan book? That looks something like that? If not that's OK, I'm just wondering. If so, I can tell you how I would like it to look.
