Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Happy Holidays from Eskän!

Hey guys. I used the application Paintbrush for these! Here you are, rate, comment, happy holidays;

((click image for larger version and better color quality))

((click image for larger version and better color quality))

Monday, December 21, 2009

Holidays Wolf :)

This is a picture that I did with Paintbrush (Not Acorn this time, sorry guys) and it actually turned out pretty good, I'd say! So here you are, comment, happy holidays;

((click for larger image in a separate window))

Saturday, December 12, 2009

SasuNaru piccy!

     Hey, all. Sorry about not posting a lot lately on here... Heh-heh. Whoops. Yeah, I usually end up posting all my art on my main blog. So like I've said before, this is just a bit of an art gallery or venue that will be updated whenever it can be.
     Anyhoo, this was a final product I ended up with, so here you all are;

((click for a larger version))
Love you guys and keep up the good work of life!
My home blog's link: go here.
I was too lazy to give credit here coz' I was in a bit of a rush when posting on here. But if you go here, It will show CREDIT; CLICK.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Ciao for now

Yup. I just meeped. Really and truly meeped.

Essy-chan {aka Eskän}, I feel very small right now...

I just don't have anything to contribute to this blog right now. At this point in my life I'm concentrating on my writing, not my art.

Essy's been very active. Aaaand she's a lot better than I am. At art anyway.

So, dear Sketchers, it is time for Olive Tree to say farewell.

Essy-chan, you're a whizzybird with that Acorn thing... you can construct an excellent header, right? Cuz it can't really say "of two friends" anymore.
Oh silly Eskän... of COURSE we're still friends. Don't think that for an instant!

Ciao for now!
{I may come back in a time once my novel is shipped away and off my chest. Essy-chan will let me back in... right?}

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Arcanine (Scanned) by Eskän

     Yes, I have scanned once again! Mwahahaha!  Only this time it is that of Arcanine! Yeah, yeah, I know you are probably laughing your guts out about right now saying 'what a nerd!' but really, I don't care. Pokémon are cool so shush up! Besides, I grew up around them (Yeah, the first time I actually saw it was when I was 4...). I mean yeah, they ruin the perfectly good anime by making stupid cards and action figures and whatnot, but I only like the movies,  etc.
     Anyways, here you are:


Saturday, November 14, 2009

Neko Mördervampir by Eskän

Okay Blake, will you lay my talents to my own use now and for others? JK! Here's you in anime form, only, I couldn't help but make you a neko, because they're cute. XD
And for the others, I am still taking requests! Here you go:


Eskän by Eskän

Yep, pretty much explanatory there. Here you are: (Please R & C!)


Mördervampir and Eskän by Eskän

Here is another pic I drew of me and Mördervampir (Blake), so enjoy! 
Sorry no scan, it doesn't scan from my sketch book. :C
Anywho, here you are!:


Thursday, November 12, 2009

For Blake (Mördervampir) by Eskän

My impatient guy-friend asked me to draw him like a wolf, so this was my result. I mean, do you KNOW what it's like with him checking up if you're 'done yet' every three seconds? -Sigh- Anywho, this is what I got. It kinda' sorta' resembles him too! One scan again, too many hurts more poor printer ;D!
Remember: Click it for a larger, clearer image!

And here's your scan!:


For Princess of Instruments (Sally) by Eskän

         Here is your request from earlier, Sally! I actually got to use my new printer to scan one of the photo shots onto my computer! Finally! It works great, too...~ Also, this was done in ink and colored pencil. One more thing: this is at a weird angle like you are looking up at someone from below, so think of it that way!
     Anywho, here you are, I see no reason to keep you waiting any longer! ~
Remember! All you have to do is click the picture for a better, clearer, and larger version in a separate window!

And here's my scan!
